follow below the step
Create your first "DataShow" Drupal 7 module with the following steps.
- Create a folder called helloworld in sites/all/modules/custom
- Create a file
- Create a template file page-datashow.tpl.php in your theme directory
- Enable your module at
- Visit
; $Id$ name = DataShow description = Bikash ranjan Data Show module package = Bikash ranjan modules core = 7.x files[] = datashow.module
<?php function datashow_menu(){ $items = array(); $items['helloworld'] = array( 'title' => t('Data Show'), 'page callback' => 'datashow_output', 'access arguments' => array('access content'), ); return $items; } /* * Display output */ function datashow_output() { header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8'); header('Content-Disposition: inline'); return 'datashow'; } ?>
<?php print $content; ?>