Here is some best solution , how we can mock specific method from utils file.
Step1: I have created a utils.js file and it contains two methods
like :
const getSchoolName = async ({schoolId }) => {
return 'Bikash School';
const getAllSchoolList = async ({schoolId }) => {
return {object};
Step 2 : create actual-utils-call.test.js and import the utils.js file
import { getAllSchoolList, getSchoolName } from './util';
jest.mock('./utils', () => {
const originalUtils = jest.requireActual('./utils');
return {
getSchoolName: jest.fn(),
describe('Mock specific mockImplementation', () => {
it('getSchoolName method should mock from util file', async () => {
getSchoolName.mockImplementation(() => {
return 'different School Name';
// Here you call your actual method where getSchoolName method is invoke