Friday, March 1, 2013

OOP Pattern - Factory: Simple Factory Pattern

The factory method pattern is an object-oriented creational design pattern to implement the concept of factories and deals with the problem of creating objects (products) without specifying the exact class of object that will be created. The essence of this pattern is to "Define an interface for creating an object, but let the classes that implement the interface decide which class to instantiate. The Factory method lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses."[1]
Creating an object often requires complex processes not appropriate to include within a composing object. The object's creation may lead to a significant duplication of code, may require information not accessible to the composing object, may not provide a sufficient level of abstraction, or may otherwise not be part of the composing object's concerns. The factory method design pattern handles these problems by defining a separate method for creating the objects, which subclasses can then override to specify the derived type of product that will be created.
Some of the processes required in the creation of an object include determining which object to create, managing the lifetime of the object, and managing specialized build-up and tear-down concerns of the object. Outside the scope of design patterns, the term factory method can also refer to a method of a factory whose main purpose is creation of objects.

PHP Factory Pattern Step By Step Tutorial - Part 1: In Object Oriented Programming, we always create new object with new operator. And in some cases, we need call same class for different steps. We can create a factory to avoid always call same class. The factory pattern encapsulates the creation of objects.
This is simple example that we always create new object every function that need it.
class Vehicle{

  function category($wheel = 0){
   if($wheel == 2){
  return "Motor";
 }elseif($wheel == 4){
  return "Car";

class Spec{
  var $wheel = '';
  function Spec($wheel){
 $this->wheel = $wheel; 
  function name(){
 $wheel = $this->wheel;
   return Vehicle::category($wheel);

  function brand(){
 $wheel = $this->wheel;  
   $kind =& Vehicle::category($wheel);
 if($kind == "Motor"){
  return array('Harley','Honda');
 }elseif($kind = "Car"){
  return array('Nisan','Opel'); 

$kind = new Spec(2);
echo "Kind: ".$kind->name();
echo "<br>";
echo "Brand: ".implode(",",$kind->brand());
This picture show how to implement factory pattern:
PHP Factory Pattern
This is complete code after changing (implement factory pattern)
class Vehicle{

  function category($wheel = 0){
   if($wheel == 2){
  return "Motor";
 }elseif($wheel == 4){
  return "Car";

class Spec{
  var $wheel = '';
  var $vc    = '';
  function Spec($wheel){
 $this->wheel = $wheel;
  function &_getVehicle(){
 $wheel = $this->wheel;
   $this->vc =& Vehicle::category($wheel);
  function name(){
   return $this->vc;

  function brand(){
 if($this->vc == "Motor"){
  return array('Harley','Honda');
 }elseif($this->vc = "Car"){
  return array('Nisan','Opel'); 

$kind = new Spec(2);
echo "Kind: ".$kind->name();
echo "<br>";
echo "Brand: ".implode(",",$kind->brand());
In this practice, we create a factory within the object itself. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Without wanting to dispute the relative merits of JSON (which I know very little about) and XML, I would say that XML is extremely good for automatic treatment, information exchanges between different applications, and similar—but is simply not constructed for intense user/developer interaction.
The fact that it is human readable and editable is a clear bonus, but can mislead people to think that it is something they should work directly with. XML, IMO, belongs further down the abstraction hierarchy where it rarely encounters any human. (Obviously, library developers and the like will eventually have to deal directly with it.)
A very obvious parallel is HTML: When I am allowed to choose (not always the case) webdevelopment directly in HTML is the exception and most HTML is generated through other types of document descriptions, say a basic markup language (as known from e.g. Wikipedia) or through JSP-style tag libraries. (This comment should not in anyway be seen as a recommendation of WYSIWYG HTML-editors—that is a very different topic.)