Sunday, September 16, 2012

count number of word from a string in php

$str = "extract word from a sring using php";
$extractword= str_word_count($str);
$extword=explode(" ",$str);
//count word from string
echo count($extword);
echo "total word in a string is =$extractword<br>";
// after
foreach($extword as $word){
echo "$couter  ".$word."<br>";


how to extract number of word in a string and string count using php

$str = "extract word from a sring using php";
$extractword= str_word_count($str);
$extword=explode(" ",$str);
//count word from string
echo count($extword);
echo "total word in a string is =$extractword<br>";
// after
foreach($extword as $word){
echo "$couter  ".$word."<br>";

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